SGC Principal Planning Officer, Lee Burman, has confirmed that the determination date for outline planning application P23/01330/O has once again been extended to 29th March 2024.
Mr Burman said in his email "I can confirm that a further extension of time until 29.03.2024 has now been agreed with the applicant team. I will update the application record accordingly.
As set out below this is to allow time for the revised and additional submissions to be prepared and submitted, and for a further period of reconsultation to take place in respect of such submissions taking account of the imminent Xmas/New Year period and to provide some flexibility. If we are able to determine in advance of this date, we will of course do so."
When challenged about the extension requested by the applicant team in relation to the closing date of SGC's New Local Plan Phase 3 Consultation of 7th February 2024, Mr Burman provided the following clarification;
"The position in respect of the Reg 28 Local plan consultation has not been mentioned by the applicant team at all and I have had no discussions with them in that regard. The EoT [extension of time] discussions I have had with them focused solely on production of the requested additional and revised information and further consultation in that respect.
An EoT until the end of March 24 will not change the position in respect of the weight to be given to the Local Plan review from that previously or currently afforded – under national guidance and case law Reg 18 consultation draft details attract limited weight and this is set out in the Cabinet papers that were published. In this respect please do note the content of the papers at paragraphs 9, 1.10 and 1.11. Furthermore, please also note that the proposals are also still subject of stage 2 of the Green Belt Assessment process, in this respect please also note the detail at paras 5.67 – 5.71."