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Writer's pictureHanham Green Belt

Why Bickley Wood Needs Your Support: Protecting Green Belt Gems from Unsustainable Development

Quarry face in a deciduous woodland in winter
Bickley Wood, Hanham, South Gloucestershire

Imagine a haven for rare wildflowers and ancient trees, nestled against the River Avon. This is Bickley Wood, a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in South Gloucestershire, which is currently facing a critical threat: the proposed development of 270 houses on adjacent Green Belt land. Let's delve into why both Bickley Wood and our precious Green Belt deserve our unwavering protection.

What are SSSIs?

SSSIs are designated by the government as nationally important for their exceptional geological or ecological value. They harbour irreplaceable habitats and species, like rare plants and insects, playing a vital role in biodiversity. Bickley Wood is a geological SSSI, boasting a fascinating history etched in its red sandstone cliffs and quarried faces. Its unique rock formations tell the story of ancient seas and volcanic activity, offering a glimpse into our planet's past.

Why Bickley Wood Matters:

Bickley Wood is more than just a scenic spot. It's a refuge for an array of wildlife, including nationally scarce plants like the delicate wild service tree and ancient woodland flora. Its diverse ecosystem provides vital food and shelter for birds, insects, and small mammals, creating a vibrant tapestry of life. The proposed development, however, would slice through this delicate ecosystem, fragmenting habitats, disturbing wildlife, and potentially introducing invasive species.

Green Belt: A Lifeline for Nature and Communities:

Green Belt land isn't just green space; it's a vital buffer between urban development and the countryside. It safeguards air and water quality, mitigates flooding, and provides essential recreational areas for communities. Building on Green Belt land like that adjacent to Bickley Wood not only disrupts these crucial functions but also sets a dangerous precedent, paving the way for further encroachment into our precious natural heritage.

The Threat of 270 Homes:

The proposed development at Bickley Wood isn't just about numbers. It represents a fundamental shift in our priorities. Choosing convenience and profit over the ecological and community benefits of Green Belt land sends a chilling message. The light and noise pollution, increased traffic, and potential disturbance caused by construction would irrevocably alter the character of Bickley Wood and the surrounding area, impacting not just wildlife but also the quality of life for residents.

What You Can Do:

Bickley Wood needs your voice. Speak up against this unsustainable development through South Gloucestershire Council's public consultation process which runs until 7th February 2024. Share your concerns, highlight the importance of SSSIs and Green Belt land, and urge the Council to reconsider.

Together, we can ensure that Bickley Wood and its irreplaceable natural treasures remain protected for generations to come.

Remember, every voice counts. Be a champion for Bickley Wood, and let's ensure its future remains green and vibrant.


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