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Writer's pictureHanham Green Belt

You're joking - not another one!: Re-consultation for "The Batch" begins

Updated: Feb 25

Wooded river valley panorama with riverside cottages and houses
Land South of Hencliffe Way, Hanham known locally as "The Batch"

The famous words of "Brenda from Bristol" could not be more appropriate for what has just happened. With impeccable timing, last Friday 16th February, the very day that SGC's Phase 3 Local Plan Public Consultation came to a close, the Principal Planning Officer launched a Re-consultation for "The Batch" also known as Land South Of Hencliffe Way And East Of Castle Farm Road Hanham or P23/01330/O.

The applicant team (developers) had provided the Planning Officer with an updated application pack which contained "additional information" significant enough to trigger a 3-week Re-consultation which will run until 8th March 2024. No action could be taken by the Planning Officer until after the by-election, hence the timing of the launch.

Although the developers' revised plans are not radically different from their original plans, considering they had months to prepare them, we must now ask for your help once again to show SGC and the developers that opposition to their plans to develop "The Batch" is stronger than ever.

We understand that "Objection Fatigue" may be setting in, but if you can spare a little time to object to the revised plans we would very much appreciate it.

If you've objected before and can spare 10 minutes

Please copy and paste your original objection as most, if not all of your original points will still apply and your previous objection may not automatically be considered unless resubmitted now.

If you objected to EPS-HA1 in the New Local Plan and can spare 15 minutes

Please copy and paste your objection on the Comments page changing any references to EPS-HA1 to "The Batch" or "Land South Of Hencliffe Way And East Of Castle Farm Road Hanham."

If you can spare 30-60 minutes

Please write a new objection to the revised plans submitted by the developers and load to the planning portal using the button below. You can find some useful ideas in the following article - One week to go to help save Hanham's Green Belt: Objection Letter Ideas or visit our News Page.

Thank you for helping to save Hanham's Green Belt!

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